These release notes are a consolidation of all the issues and enhancements from the July 31st, 2024 Production release. Here are the details:
- Admin
- Old version of deployment details has been re-added back into the User Management page alongside the new analytics page.
- Deployment details option returned for those using embedded reports.
- Improvements in user archiving and filtering through active vs archived users have been added.
- New Archived icon on each user profile for quicker and easier archiving/unarchiving actions.
- New indicator on user profiles that have been archived for easy differentiation between active and archived users.
- New dropdown filter that allows Admins to filter the user list by all users, active users and archived users. Please note the user list will be filtered by active users by default.
- Reporting
- A new Learning Set level report has been added "Digital Signatures Report".
- Additional columns added to Quiz response report, skipped answers and not available (questions added after quiz was taken) columns.
- Scenarios Evaluation Form report improved for better readability (responses no longer appear in one block column)
Stability Fixes
- Admin
- Fix to load the full list of folders and their contents and allow for bulk competency tagging in the CMS.
- Reporting
- Schedules Report recipients will no longer show all users on the domain in the report if filtered for it.
- Certification report will no longer duplicate the response column.
- Form Registration Report will again generate data.
- Learn
Fix to allow drafter and draft-manager role types to…
Create ActionPacks in the My Learning Sets tab.
Create ActionPacks in the Shared with Me tab where they are stakeholders with Update permissions on the corresponding Category or Learning Set level.
- Fix to allow setting an unlimited number of attempts for quizzes when creating a quiz and updating the field.
- Fix to allow Admins to re-arrange an ActionPacks table of contents by dragging them up and down vertically to the required positions.
- Events
- Fix to allow Admins to select all event days when creating sessions in different timezones.
- Fix to remove break filters when creating a new group message in Events.
- Events
- Added Select All option for remaining sessions when adding bulk audience within the Manage Events tab.
- Added Next and Previous buttons for multiple handouts in event sessions for easier navigation.
Stability Fixes
- Learn
- Fix to the alignment and visibility of text-matching quiz questions.
- Table of contents for ActionPacks will correctly update based on changes made on the admin side.
- Fix to display survey contents correctly.
- Events
- Fix to ensure the correct attachment previews are shown in session comments.
- Fix to ensure all cards (Agenda, Speakers, Polls, Attendees, etc.) are shown on event details pages in landscape mode.
- Fix to make guest icons in session details pages interactive when there are less than or only 3 guests/audience in a session.
- Present
- Fix to disable presentation play buttons when contents have all expired.