These release notes are a consolidation of all the issues and enhancements from the December 14th, 2023 Pre-Production release. Here are the details:
- Report Enhancments
- Admins will now be able to run a new report titled 'User Field Coaching Pull-through Report' from the Report Generator tool, which will provide insights on the pull-through content and the progress of users.
- Admin Enhancements
- Admins can now create a customized Strategy Type when managing their existing strategies. This strategy type will be applied when creating a Strategy in the Launchpad capability.
- Admins now have the ability to move a Deployment/Assignment from One strategy to another.
- Launchpad Wizard enhancements now enable the Admin to create a strategy with minimal clicks to improve speed to implementation.
- Admins can now search specific Deployments/Assignments in a Strategy under their respective tabs in the Strategy Details Page
- An improved wizard for the Content Management System has been implemented. This will minimize the amount of clicks an Admin would have in the creation process, incorporating the tagging, stakeholders and competencies on the CMS screen, as well as the ease of creating multiple resources at once while easily determining what resources have/have not been saved.
- Coach Enhancements
- Field Coaching - FCR Pull Through - Allows Admins to add cataloged content (Learning Sets, Collections and individual resources) as Field Coaching Pull-through. Managers can then select and assign this Pull-through content to their users. Users can access this content in the respective core tools. While completing the user’s Field Coaching, Managers will also have access to all the previous Pull-through content. Reps can view the assigned Pull-through in the respective Field Coaching(s).
- Field Coaching - Admins will be able to select Field Coaching Session Length (Days) in increments of .5 i.e. starting from 0.5 all the way till 10. 10 is the highest they can select.
- Events Enhancements
- Switching the text ‘Resources’ to ‘Handouts’ on Event details pages to keep consistency with sessions and the text displayed on the Admin side.
- Ability added for Admins to rearrange the order of Learning Sets and Collections added as pre-work to a session.
- Ability added for Event Managers to view poll results in full screen within a new tab/window.
Stability Fixes
- Admin
- Fix to ensure multiple choice question checkboxes on quizzes respond on first interaction when Admins are selecting the correct answers.
- Learn
- Quiz % will be displayed again when the user submits their responses.
- Users will again be able to see the Paper clip icon while sharing resources, using which they can add multiple resources in addition to the selected resource and share it with other users.
- Coach
- Scenarios - Title of the Scenarios cards will be displayed appropriately in lower and upper case as typed in by the Admin
- Certification - Questions in double digit count will be displayed properly.
- Events
- Fix to allow only a single poll submission (same poll/session) when the user has access to the poll in multiple windows/devices, in order to avoid result and response duplication.
- Fix to display multiple active poll pop-ups in consecutive order on the linked Session details pages (next active poll will now display properly).
- Fix to ensure users can only submit one copy of each poll per session.
- Users can again navigate back to events from pre-work via the breadcrumb menu.
- Coach Enhancements
- Field Coaching - FCR Pull Through - Allows Admins to add cataloged content (Learning Sets, Collections and individual resources) as Field Coaching Pull-through. Managers can then select and assign this Pull-through content to their users. Users can access this content in the respective core tools. While completing the user’s Field Coaching, Managers will also have access to all the previous Pull-through content. Reps can view the assigned Pull-through in the respective Field Coaching(s).
- Field Coaching - Admins will be able to select Field Coaching Session Length (Days) in increments of .5 i.e. starting from 0.5 all the way till 10. 10 is the highest they can select.
- Certifications - Reps will no longer see the completed Certification in different tools when the Admin has disabled the permission to do so.
- Scenarios - Video recording will no longer stop and users will be able to record videos as usual.