These release notes are a consolidation of all the issues and enhancements from the October 25th, 2023 Production release. Here are the details:
- Reporting Enhancements
Managers/Admins will only see teams and territories they are a part of and sub-teams/ territories for what they are a part of when applying the Teams and Territories filter to a report.
- Added Content Utilization Related KPI’s on top of the Content Utilization Embedded Reports.
- Added a Deployment and Assignment date columns to the existing content utilization embedded reports as well.
- Admin Enhancements
Marketplace: This new feature allows for Admins to access ACTO’s Marketplace where they can find and enable 3rd party integrations to configure and use in their own domain.
- Integrations - UNIFY Gamelab now has an integration with Omnichannel. When the integration is active, users will be able to access this UNIFY Game resource wherever “Resources” can be applicable. Users can seamlessly play each game, without leaving their screen on ACTOs platform, and view their Leaderboard on where they rank among their peers on both Web and/or iOS Device.
- Integrations (Veeva) - This enhancement focuses on the content management to support custom Fields. ACTO will now send out a notification (email & in-app) to stakeholders, content owners and admins about new content being created/updated on Veeva which will be reflected on the ACTO platform.
- Integrations (Veeva) - When there is a new approved version on Veeva, ACTO will send a notification (email & in-app) to stakeholders, content owners and admins advising them to download the new version, and upload it accordingly.
Admins can now view Journeys dashboard analytics for overall Journey insights.
- Filter chips have been introduced to search, allowing you to refine your search results with precision.
- An X has also been added for cancelling filters to modify your query more easily.
- You can now search and filter through folders, subfolders, and their content, streamlining your navigation.
- Performance enhancements have also been made on both user and admin side for a more accurate 3-character search across titles of materials as well as improved searching for PDF content.
- Search operators have also been added which work as follows:
- Using the search string using "-" in front of any word will exclude that word from the results.
- In the search string, using "+" in front of any word should return only results with the exact word.
- Using no "-" or "+" should allow the search to work as it does now.
- Coach Enhancements
- Scenarios -Updated the Coaching Scenario creation wizard for Admin on web, this is now aligned with the previous wizard updates for FCR and Certifications.
- Certifications - Comment section will no longer auto collapse when Manager switches from once section to another while certifying the users.
- Learn Enhancements
- Updated the Resources > Collections creation wizard for Admin on web.
- Updated the Resources > Collections creation wizard for Admin on web.
- Event Enhancements
- Session update pop-up will no longer occur when changes to a session are only related to enabling/disabling Break and Comment Setting toggles.
Folder icon will not show when there are no added handouts on the session details pages on the user side.
- Updated text related to Event handouts/resources sections so there are no more discrepancies between the admin and user side.
- Track names will now display when hovering over track icons on session cards on the user and admin side.
- Session coordinator will now display on the session details page.
- Multiple Enhancements for Events and Sessions:
- Pre-work taxonomy – Custom label (if any) for the event’s Pre-work on the user side of the Events capability.
- Optional Event Venue and Location – Venue and Location only displayed to users if available/added by admins.
- Optional Session Venue – Venue only displayed to users if available/added by admins.
- Comments Setting – Session commenting only available to Event Managers and/or Attendees/Audience in each event session when the comment settings are enabled in the session creation/editing form.
- Session Update Notifications – Email, push and in-app notifications to session Audience/Attendees with session detail changes (date, time, place, etc.).
- Place URL – Hyperlinked "Place" on the user side (Session details page and Session card) when a URL is added to a session.
- Pre-work expansion – Pre-work section in Session details page expanded by default.
Stability Fixes
- Reporting
- Timestamp difference between the Certification response and Completion in Cert report from Report Generator will no longer occur.
- Whenever activity is happening on shared resources, the time spent timer will keep running until the user goes off the tab (close or move out), or the resource finishes.
- Admin
- Taxonomy Settings will no longer show when the associated feature flag is disabled.
- Question text when creating new questions and answer options in Survey and Registration forms will no longer disappear.
- Default subject messaging on emails for Assignments and Deployments, has been reverted to the original subject message.
- Learn
- Custom thumbnails for all resources types will be visible and will no longer disappear.
- Extra spaces in Folder names was changing their alphabetical order in Resources, this has been fixed.
- Full list of Resources sent will now be displayed to the user while sharing resources via email.
- Fixed the 'X' button placement in Resources Notes.
- Coach
- Scenarios - "More Options" was displayed to the stakeholders on the Coaching scenarios cards, even though Admin did not add edit or delete permissions for stakeholders. This will no longer happen.
- Field Coaching - Updated the Error message verbiage when user tries to send a blank message in FCR Comments.
- Scenarios - Users will no longer see the Resource Handouts in the Coaching scenario if Admin has removed the handouts from the scenarios.
- Field Coaching - Left hand side of the FCR Section view for Managers when they do a Field Coaching for user will no longer be cut off.
- Field Coaching - Users will be able to Acknowledge their Field Coachings on Web.
- Field Coaching - Add Comments option will no longer show for the user (Manager) when the checkbox is not selected by the Admin.
- Events
- Speaker will no longer show up as added to sessions after the speaker is removed from the event’s speaker section.
- Removing ‘Unspecified’ optional session fields from the session update email notification, when those fields have nothing in them.
- Error when trying to assign Free Score points will no longer occur.
- Answer fields for multiple choice quiz questions will no longer be removed.
- Users can again navigate between session handouts in the session details pages.
- Session audience icons on session cards will display again, when Event Managers are adding bulk audience.
- Place URL fields will be highlighted again, when uploading sessions in bulk on the admin side.
- Present
- Add Resources button was overlapped with the Resource name when too many resources were selected by the user to be added to a Presentation. This will no longer occur.
- All resources selected for a Presentation can be selected and unselected once again, using the checkbox.
- Admin Enhancements
- Integrations - UNIFY Gamelab now has an integration with Omnichannel. When the integration is active, users will be able to access this UNIFY Game resource wherever “Resources” can be applicable. Users can seamlessly play each game, without leaving their screen on ACTOs platform, and view their Leaderboard on where they rank among their peers on both Web and/or iOS Device.
- Events Enhancements
- Updated text related to Event handouts/resources sections so there are no more discrepancies between the admin and user side.
- Multiple Enhancements for Events and Sessions:
- Pre-work taxonomy – Custom label (if any) for the event’s Pre-work on the user side of the Events capability.
- Optional Event Venue and Location – Venue and Location only displayed to users if available/added by admins.
- Optional Session Venue –Venue only displayed to users if available/added by admins.
- Comments Setting – Session commenting only available to Event Managers and/or Attendees/Audience in each event session when the comment settings are enabled in the session creation/editing form.
- Session Update Notifications – Email, push and in-app notifications to session Audience/Attendees with session detail changes (date, time, place, etc.).
- Place URL – Hyperlinked Place on the user side (Session details page and Session card) when a URL is added to a session.
- Pre-work expansion – Pre-work section in Session details page expanded by default.
Stability Fixes
- Admin
- Users will now be able to see all contacts while sharing resources via email.
- Coach
- Certifications - Fixed the comment type question box alignment in the manager’s view.
- Certification - Unsuccessful users count will display properly on the certification cards.
- Certification - A dot will display instead of a comma if users are more than 1k in certification card.
- Field Coaching - Users will be able to Acknowledge their Field Coachings on iPad.
- Scenarios - Resource cards will no longer be trimmed off from the bottom.
- Events
- User will now be redirected to the event details page when they select the event registration reminder push notification they receive instead of the events homepage.
- Present
- Users were able to see the Presentation even after deleting it, this has been corrected.