These release notes are a consolidation of all the issues and enhancements from the July 12th, 2023 Production release. Here are the details:
- Reporting Enhancements
- In the new analytics dashboard feature the ability to change teams directly from the report page has been added instead of having to go back.
- In the new analytics dashboard feature the dropdown for learning sets, resources etc.. has been moved from the right side of the screen to the left.
- XLSX file type support has been added to the report generator.
- Certification Completion Timestamp column has been added to the Certification Report, so Admins can know exactly when the Certification was completed.
- New "Embedded Reports" options are available under User Management. Titled "Analytics", they are not turned on by default but when they are they provide new dashboard views for managers and above to view under the deployment details page and on the team page under analytics. Please Note: This is behind a feature flag and will need to be requested to be turned on.
- Learn Enhancements
- Users will now be able to select and email multiple resources.
- Quick Access cards will now say "Accessed On" instead of "Updated On" as to provide better information on last access date.
- Offline search for nested collections has been added to offline mode.
- Within the Learn Core Capability, when creating a Learning Set, a new wizard will appear. Allowing the admin to create the Learning Set with minimal clicks.
- Coach Enhancements
- Scenarios - Admins can now change/update the existing scenario evaluation form in CMS before it is assigned to the Proctors or Mentors.
- Events Enhancements
- Ability to bulk upload multiple sessions to an event’s agenda. Please Note: For domains with Events enabled, this feature will be enabled for you.
Stability Fixes
- Reporting
- Accessing "Leaderboard Report" in report generator will no longer show an "oops something went wrong" error.
- Accessing teams page will no longer show an "oops something went wrong" error.
- % Complete and Last Access Date will now be aligned in the report generator "Learn" report.
- Time Spent will be tracked on shared resources that are accessed outside of Omnichannel.
- Resource Interactions will now be tracked on shared resources that are accessed outside of Omnichannel.
- Actionpack Quiz Report will now display Text to Text Matching questions.
- User Field Coaching Report will now display an accurate number of attempts.
- Special characters "+, / and #" will no longer cause a report to fail.
- User Resource Consumption Report will now run successfully.
- Certification Report filters will now apply successfully.
- Detailed Quiz Reports will now process quicker.
- Special characters will no longer prevent the User Scenario Report from opening after downloading.
- Survey Reports will no longer fail with Unknown Column error
- Admin
- Ability to unarchive users has been reinstated for those who use the API to manage their rosters (those who don't were unaffected).
- Admins can now delete Learning Sets and Resource Collections from duplicated deployments.
- Admins can now delete a strategy within Launchpad .
- Learn
- Breadcrumb to resources in Learn and Resources (user side) will now display the correct path of navigation.
- Users will no longer receive duplicate resources in their email (when resources are shared via email).
- Empty Collections can now be removed from Resources.
- Space is now consistent between the resource name and the check box that shows up when emailing a resource.
- Added a scroll bar to the resources list when user shares the resources via email.
- Resource selection box size will now scale with the number of resources selected.
- Collections will no longer update at the same time but only when individual updates are made to a collection.
- As an Admin when creating a Learning Set, the secondary bar image is now loading as expected.
- After creating a Learning Set, the admin will now navigate to the Learn landing page.
- Checklist names will now show the complete name under an Actionpack lesson.
- Content under the "New" tab will now load consistently.
- Breadcrumb to resources in Learn and Resources (user side) will now display the correct path of navigation.
- Coach
- Field Coaching - ‘Pending Acknowledgement’ will now be displayed properly without being cut off in list view to the Managers.
- Field Coaching - Extra margins will no longer be displayed to the users on the Field Coaching home page.
- Field Coaching - Character limit for the ‘Name’ text box in Start Field Coaching side pane will be visible to the Managers as they type the ‘Name’.
- Certifications - Pending Certifications will no longer show a negative count.
- Events
- Session card formatting errors will no longer occur when adding bulk audience in the Event’s Agenda and the Add Sessions pop-up.
- Present
- The preview of the cover image selected from the device for the presentation will now show up correctly.
Mobile (Android and iOS)
Stability Fixes
- Admin
- Managers will be now able to search for Resources. (iOS)
- Learn
- Earlier multiple Resources were being selected when users were emailing a Resource. Now only the individual resource will be selected when users email that resource. (iOS)
- All deployed collections will be visible to the user. (iOS)
- "+ More" label will now display for Collections that have long names. (iOS)
- Users can now select additional resources to email (share) with the recipient. Earlier only one resource could be selected and shared at a time. (iOS)
- Quick Access for Learn content will now display the most recently accessed material and sync with the Web platform. (iOS)
- Checklists in list view will no longer display the offline mode cloud icon when the checklist is not in offline mode. (iOS)
- When adding a parent collection into offline mode the confirmation message to do so will only appear once. (iOS)
- Videos will now play properly in offline mode. (iOS)
- Coach
- Field Coaching - ‘Read More’ option will now be available for FCR questions, allowing Managers to expand the text. (iOS)
- Scenarios - Mentors will no longer get an error while submitting the Scenario Evaluation forms on iPad. (iOS)
- Scenarios - Submit Response button will now be disabled for the user after the scenario has been approved by either the Proctor or any of the Mentor(s). (iOS)
- Scenarios - Scenario Card information will now be displayed completely when searched. (iOS)
- Certifications - Will now be displayed under the proper tabs for Managers. (iOS)